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Park Planning and Design for 450 T/A Electronic Grade Silver Powder Project of Chengdu Tianfu Metal Powder Co., Ltd.
DATE:16 Nov 2017 浏览次数:1
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Location: Qingliang Village, Jinhua Town, Xinjin County, Chengdu City, Sichuan

Planned net land area: 45,518 square meters

Completion time: under construction

This project includes four main buildings - main complex plant building, research and development center, production dispatching center and enclosing wall & gate.

Design principles: fully embody the design philosophy "practicality, economy and aestheticism" of modern processing park, ensure that all facilities in the park are conducive to production and living, and give first priority to meet all functional requirements of park in the planning and design; adopt the advanced, mature and reliable technology, to ensure the safety and reliability, high operation efficiency, use convenience, environmental protection & energy saving property, and economic rationality of the project; ensure that the architectural planning and design of working and living areas fully reflect the cultural connotation of Chinese emerging industrial parks, and the architectural planning and design of main plant building and public & auxiliary facilities not only have the commonality of modern industrial parks, but also integrate the unique enterprise feature of Sichuan Tianfu Metal Powder Co., Ltd., to display the fast-changing development situation of nonferrous precious metal processing technology by the building appearance with strong modernity.